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Page 61: "When the Ship hits the Fan"

Wahine Salvage

Wahine was a nice looking ship for its day - quite a tragedy with 50 people lost.

I worked on the Salvage ship "Holmpark" sitting over the wreck in an 8 point mooring system.

Used explosives and cutting gear to pull it apart piece by piece - 5 year job - I lasted for 2! 'My' explosives workshop was just for'd of the no-smoking sign - I hated that job !!!

Big catwalks went from the bridge wings to the focsle for the travelling block which hauled the lifting wire for the bow 'horn' - brute force was used to tear the wreck apart. Pretty close to the wreck as you can see. When there was time the divers would rig me up and take me down to wander around inside the wreck. Wellington is prone to earth tremors and it was a bit unnerving inside the wreck when it started to shake - not for me !

Pretty close to the wreck as you can see.

Christmas tree on the mast top - an old tradition!

My tug driving skills were a bit rough in those days.

When there was time the divers would rig me up

Still have a Wahine porthole in my bathroom!

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