For ten years, several times a year, I teach Master 4 at SEAMEC, Lakes Entrance. I had Certificate 4 as a Check and Training Great Barrier Reef Marine Pilot - so just scraped in the door of the TAFE system!
Over 300 Master 4's have passed through my classroom - 100% pass rate, and all examined externally by AMSA Examiners, not by me!
Its a wonderful place, right on the water with distracting views from the classroom. My mate Brad runs the place and keeps me in line - especially my language!
Not too bad on the whiteboard now!
The 4 week course is very intense; there's a lot to cover.
At the end of every course I always put up "Take Pride in our Profession".
I love the place, and I'm a big believer in the TAFE system - its the only way skills are passed on..

We teach them for 4 weeks and then fire them off to the Examiners - its just like sending soldiers into battle! Its great when they call back with the good news!!!