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"Christmas Cracker" delivery job

Page 229: my book "When the Ship Hits the Fan"

The guy on the wheel is my 'Christmas Cracker' ! Chief Engineer in his work gear - true, that's how he was in the EngineRoom! Run-job Master: Sarawak to Singapore, to fit all the electronics/navionics - including autopilot. Pretty state-of-the-art Shipyard with a safe gangway ashore. Run around to Miri for bunkers (fuel) and nip across to the wine bar! 'Captains Table' - dinner is served! Nice little tug, though. Then ran it down to Darwin from Singas.

'State of the Art' shipyard, Sarawak

Laying the keel on a 'new build'.

Gangway was difficult when sober....

Captains Table


Easy to get ashore to the wine bar....(in Miri)

The 'Fire Cracker' man!! And the Chief Engineer fully-rigged for work.

Off to Singapore - and some bad weather.....

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