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A great job!

Updated: Jun 8, 2021

I was Master of Lady Ann working out of Broome for a few years. Great ship and a really good crowd - work hard/play hard!

When she was built in Carringtons Yard, Newcastle she was the most powerful 'anchor-clanker' in Australia.

Alongside in Broome

Veni-Vidi-Vici - "I came,I saw,I conquered" (Julius Caesar).

Sometimes this was repainted to say Vidi-Vici-Veni !

The Company logo was made up from an oil spout and anchor - but we always called it 'anchored under a palm tree'.

Great Company, great people - I made many friends for life here.

Unfortunately she hit a drilling rig off Carnarvon, ripped open the hull, and sank.

Everyone got off OK.

I was on leave - it was a sad day.

She's still there, resting in 240m.

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